Tuesday, September 22, 2009

yEs to pRogrEsS......

Yes to modern world. A sign of a new world. A world to be develops and industrializes. "Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development" Theories, scientific explanations and technologies is a sign of it. Because of these, our world had developed to the fullest.
It is not bad to develop and be riches as long as we know how to face the consequences of this adaptation of different science culture. It may help us for our future but it can destroy our mother nature. If only mother earth can talk. She can say that she is now in danger. Many of its natural resources is now endangered but still man don't know how to care of it. Even though they know that it is endangered, it seems that they do more illegal things for their personal interest
Adapting to diverse Science Culture is been a great help to our development. But as time goes on, we cannot deny that the one that help us to our development is the reason to our destruction. As we are to adapt to science culture, we are also to consider the "heartaches” of our Mother Nature. And let us save our nature.

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